
Karmen Loh马来西亚画师角色绘画教程 CG插画视频教程

【9981】-Karmen Loh马来西亚画师角色绘画教程 CG插画视频教程

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  • 资源简介:Karmen Loh马来西亚画师角色绘画教程 CG插画视频教程
  • 详细描述

    Karmen Loh马来西亚画师角色绘画教程 CG插画视频教程

    Unit 1
    1 Introduction (About Me). mp4
    1 Introduction (About Me). srt
    2 Influences. mp4
    2 Influences. srt
    3 What We Will Do on the Course. mp4
    3 What We Will Do on the Course. srt
    Unit 2
    4 Rough Shadows and Highlights.mp4
    4 Rough Shadows and Highlights.srt
    5 Rendering Techniques and Brushes -Part 1.mp4
    5 Rendering Techniques and Brushes - Part 1.srt
    6 Rendering Techniques and Brushes - Part 2.mp4
    6 Rendering Techniques and Brushes - Part 2.srt
    7 Adding Colours.mp4
    7 Adding Colours.srt
    Unit 3
    10 Rendering -Part 1. mp4
    11 Rendering -Part 2. mp4
    12 Rendering -Part 3. mp4
    13 Rendering -Part 4. mp4
    14 Let's Apply Make-up and Colour Adjustments -Part 1. mp4
    14 Let's Apply Make-up and Colour Adjustments -Part 1. srt
    15 Let's Apply Make-up and Colour Adjustments -Part 2. mp4
    15 Let's Apply Make-up and Colour Adjustments -Part 2. srt
    3 Moodboard. mp4
    8 Moodboard. srt
    9 Sketch. mpe
    9 Sketch. srt
    Unit 4
    16 Make Your Artwork Pop Out!-Part 1. mp4
    17 Make Your Artwork Pop Out! -Part 2. mp4
    18 Make Your Artwork Pop Out! -Part 3. mp4
    18 Make Your Artwork Pop Out! -Part 3. srt
    19 Exporting Your Artwork. mp4
    19 Exporting Your Artwork. srt
    Unit 5
    20 Final Project.mp4
    20 Final Project.srt


    Karmen Loh马来西亚画师角色绘画教程 CG插画视频教程
    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d4sdALFFkdItUW6BEKydOw 提取码: wepa