
异星战枪Gumroad - Alien Gun Creation Full Bundle

【7553】-异星战枪Gumroad - Alien Gun Creation Full Bundle

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  • 资源简介:异星战枪Gumroad - Alien Gun Creation Full Bundle
  • 详细描述

    异星战枪Gumroad - Alien Gun Creation Full Bundle

    01 Modeling
    Intro 00. mp4
    Part 01. mp4
    Part 02.mp4
    Part 03.mp4
    Part 04. mp4
    Part 05. mp4
    Part 06 .mp4
    Part 07. mp4
    Part 08. mp4
    Part 09. mp4
    Part 10.mp4
    02 Texturing
    0 About The Author. mp4
    01 Intro To Uvs. mp4
    02_ Headus. mp4
    03 Substance Painter Intro. mp4
    04 Substance Material Workflow. mp
    05 Substance To vray. mp4
    06 Scratch and Stencil Details. mp4
    07 and Emissive Glow. mp4
    08 Dirt phtoshop Compositing mp4
    09 Burnt Steel TurntableRender mp4

    异星战枪Gumroad - Alien Gun Creation Full Bundle
    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BsGA2rsFOykOpugC0jID9Q 提取码: umt8