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  • 资源简介:CGMA-虚幻引擎中shader和材质创建(新)
  • 详细描述


    Week 01
    01_01 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Intro.ts
    01_02 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Instructor Overview.ts
    01_03 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Course Overview.ts
    01_04 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - PBR.ts
    01_05 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Intro do UE4.ts
    01_06 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Material Editor.ts
    01_07 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Recap and Assignment.ts
    Week 02
    02_01 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Overview.ts
    02_02 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Math Overview.ts
    02_03 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Master Materials Part 1.ts
    02_04 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Master Materials Part 2.ts
    02_05 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Materials Functions.ts
    02_06 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Recap.ts
    Week 03
    03_01 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Overview.ts
    03_02 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Complex Math Nodes.ts
    03_03 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Detail Maps.ts
    03_04 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Transparency.ts
    03_05 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - ClearCoat & Dual Normals.ts
    03_06 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Subsurface Scattering.ts
    03_07 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Cloth.ts
    03_08 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Recap & Homework.ts
    Week 04
    04_01 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Overview.ts
    04_02 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Landscape ptl.ts
    04_03 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Landscape pt2.ts
    04_04 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Layered Materials.ts
    04_05 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Verter Paint.ts
    04_06 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - World Position.ts
    04_07 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Recap & Homework.ts
    Week 05
    05_01 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Overview.ts
    05_02 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Bump Mapping & POM.ts
    05_03 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Tesselation & Displacement.ts
    05_04 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Deferred Decals.ts
    05_05 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Mesh Decals.ts
    05_06 - Shading and Material Creation in UE4 - Recap & Homework.ts
    Week 06
    06_01 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Overview.ts
    06_02 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Virtual Textures.ts
    06_03 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Runtime Virtual Textures.ts
    06_04 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Foliage Part 1.ts
    06_05 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Foliage Part 2.ts
    06_06 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Distance Fields.ts
    06_07 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Water Part 1.ts
    06_08 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Water Part 2.ts
    06_09 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Flow Map.ts
    06_10 - Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine - Recap & Homework.ts

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