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  • 资源简介:日韩风角色插画设计《少女装甲战士》赛博朋克艺术与绘图课程【韩语中字】
  • 详细描述


    Chapter 1
    01. Self Introduction. mp4
    02. Something about Tablet. mp4
    03. How to choose Tablet. mp4
    04. Computer. mp4
    05. Monitor. mp4
    06. Photoshop. mp4
    07. Basic Tools. mp4
    08. Select Tool. mp4
    09. Scale, Rotate and Larso. mp4
    10. Image. mp4
    11. Brushes that I use. mp4
    11. Brushes that I use. srt
    12. How to sketch a face. mp4
    13. Line Daily Practice. mp4
    14. How to line sketch David. mp4
    15. How to line sketch David. mp4
    Chapter 2
    16.Female with loose T-shirt.mp4
    17.Find right references.mp4
    18.Find reference for surreal things that you draw.mp4
    19.Industry process.mp4
    20.What is the concept image that 3D modeler will need.mp4
    21.Let get started.mp4
    22.Human Structure.mp4
    24.Pose with weapon.mp4
    25.Pose with weapon refine.mp4
    26.Pose with weapon refine.mp4
    27.Golden Ratio.mp4
    28.Refine with Golden Ratio.mp4
    29.Rough Sketch for Character Design.mp4
    Chapter 3
    30.Face drawing.mp4
    31.Concept of Hair.mp4
    32.Hair Detailing.mp4
    33.Cut and Sewn.mp4
    34.Clothes Design.mp4
    35.Cloth Line Sketch.mp4
    36.Cloth Line Sketch.mp4
    Chapter 4
    39.Gun Structure.mp4
    40.Gun reference.mp4
    41.Gun drawing.mp4
    42.Get to know weapon.mp4
    43.Weapon Drawing.mp4
    45.Get to know Machine.mp4
    46.Machine Drawing.mp4
    47.How to draw cyberpunk mask.mp4
    Chapter 5
    48. Color Infill Tools. mp4
    49. Basic Color. mp4
    50. How to make beautiful womens face. mp4
    51. The finishing touch of character coloring.. mp4
    52. Decal. mp4
    53. Decal Drawing 1. mp4
    54. Decal Drawing 2. mp4
    55. Decal Drawing 3. mp4
    56. Decal Drawing 4. mp4
    57. What is layout. mp4
    58. Dot, line and Face. mp4
    59. Final Composition. mp4

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